Collie x sisters needing help

dogs - mistyThis is Misty who is a young collie x, she’s not yet a year old.  She came in recently with her sister Sophia, who is in the same condition.  Both of them are extremely thin, you can feel all their bones.   They don’t have good muscle development and (this is quite strange) their feet are pink and soft as though they haven’t walked outside.

dogs - sophia 5This is  Sophia who is in worse condition that Misty.  She has sores and is even thinner.  Both dogs would rather collapse on the floor rather than stand and walk.   They don’t know how to walk and putting a lead on them stresses them greatly.  They couldn’t walk to the kennels and we had to carry them –  says it all.

They are lovely,lovely little dogs though and we started work right away on getting them back to health.  Their youth and good nature is in their favour.   When we gave them their first meal here they nearly ate the dish as well.   We’re giving small meals often and we wormed them right away.  Worried about their soft feet.dogs - misty 4

Carry me please!

dogs - sophie 1Sad faces now but we’ll change all that.

Urgent appeal – can you help Sophia and Misty?  It will take a lot to get them back into good health – please send us a donation if  you are able.   They also need sardines, mackerel, any oily fish, corned beef would be good also, vitamins, cod liver oil, they can hardly stand up at present.

Cheques payable to Pet Samaritans please – if by post please note our P.O. Box address which is secure mail.

Pet SamaritansP.O. Box 745
Chesterfield S40 9NB

Or donate online – on the website.   Many thanks.  Sophia & Misty update later.