Collie sisters make patchy progress

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Misty  is putting weight on and her feet are much better, they are healing and not so sore.   But….. she is just as clingy and doesn’t want to go out for a walk, she is still scared of everything.   Dashing back in to her room and safety zone is what she wants and to be carried and  cuddled.   That’s no problemn and we are happy to oblige.   She’ll get more confidence eventually.

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When we put her down all she does is cringe and beg to be picked up again.  Some of this will be physical, although are pads are better than they were, her general condition is still poor and her legs are weak.  She hasn’t the strength to stand maybe.

dogs - mistyEmotionally, she is still traumatised and afraid.   Trust and confidence are going to take time, when we see her ‘smile’ and want to play, that will be a very good day.  She’s still wolfing food down.

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Misty (isn’t she beautful?) has come out of her shell a lot.   She is getting more confident although she too, likes to be picked up and cuddled.   She is better at having the lead put on and is able to stand for longer periods and has walked a few steps on her own.   The downside is that her feet aren’t doing as well as Misty’s.   They are still sore, perhaps because she is walking about more.

dogs - sophia 10Her general condition hasn’t improved as much as her sisters.  Both dogs are in perpetual ‘cringe’ mode and don’t seem able to stand up on their legs properly.  We’re giving them vitamin supplements, cod liver oil and herbs but it’s going to be a long job to get them to full health.   Being nursed and cuddled is what they like best – it makes them feel safe I guess.

dogs - sophia kiss

Such loving babies!