Collie sisters feeling better

dogs - misty 2

Misty is doing better today than her sister.   She is calmer and has been for a walk, still not a ‘normal’ walk – they are both stressed by the lead and don’t want to go far.  We’re taking them out on soft grass, as much to get fresh air and to see an open space as for the exercise. You can see how sore their poor feet are.  It’s a mystery.  We’re putting aloe vera gel on to soothe them but it’s going to take a while for their pads and nails to harden up and become normal.  Putting boots on?   Might make it worse.

dogs - sophia 2It’s going to take a long while to get weight on.  We want to see some muscles on those spindly little legs.  Sophia is in worse shape than her sister.   Encouraging them, fussing them and giving them tasty bits and little walks is part of the plan.  Life is good girlies!   Well, we’re not there yet.

They seem bewildered when they are outside, it’s all new to them.  Let’s go back!   They like the security of their room and the big comfy duvet!

Their enthusiasm for food though, is great to see.