Cats more popular than dogs

cats - lillie 2Recent reports from UK shelters have shown that more cats are finding new homes than dogs.  The reason given is that people watch clips of cute cats on social media and then want one of these personality-plus cats themselves.  Cats wearing bonnets, dancing and doing tricks gets thousands of followers.

Its true that cats are are easier to look after than dogs and cope quite well with owners who are out at work but not all cats are ‘cute’.   We find that the cats who are shy or introverted or elderly get passed over.  Kittens are always popular but then we get a lot of young adults brought in when their owners are fed up with them.

Cats aren’t for entertainment so we’re not too sure about the cute videos.  It’s good that cats are more popular and find new people but a loving permanent home and for the right reasons is what we’re after.

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