Our appeal for pregnant cats and kittens
Every year pregnant cats and kittens are admitted to the animal sanctuary. Often mums are living as strays on the streets. An endless cycle of pregnancies, trying to find food, shelter and desperately hoping to survive while raising their litters. It’s a tough life. Kittens are sometimes orphaned or abandoned. They are usually brought into the animal sanctuary in dreadful health with fleas, worms and infected eyes.

Our mission is to take in as many pregnant cats and kittens as we can. Frightened and scared, it takes a lot of care and love to help them recover.

Slowly they build up trust with us and soon become grateful for the food, warm beds and kindness. Eventually they will find forever homes through our pet adoptions program and no longer have to fend for themselves. Your kindness can make a world of difference to their lives and help the animal sanctuary have the resources to care for them. Please support our appeal and make a donation today.
Recent arrivals at the animal sanctuary
The team picked up this beautiful mama cat and her 4 kittens from a gentleman and his elderly mother.

Jeff and his mum Joan, had been looking after the mama cat since her last litter of kittens earlier this year. They had booked her to be neutered, but she disappeared before they could get the help needed. Mama cat then came back pregnant again. Jeff had given up his bedroom to keep the little family safe and secure this time and he was sleeping on the sofa. The kittens are now around two weeks old and Jeff and his mum knew they needed help. They contacted the Pet Samaritans who arranged for them to be collected and brought into the animal sanctuary.
Blossom and her kittens Bramble and Ivy were spotted by a concerned member of the public.
The lady in her 90’s sounded distressed and confused on the phone. We were worried for her, so our team arranged a visit straight away to find out more.

On our first visit we managed to catch one kitten, Bramble, the tabby boy with the white foot. The others scarpered. They were too ‘wild’. They were still too young to survive on their own and we made a plan to go back later on and try again. Bramble was very frightened when he first arrived at the animal sanctuary.

The family of the elderly lady then got involved and Blossom and her remaining surviving kitten, Ivy was caught and arrangements were made for them to join Bramble at the sanctuary.
Blossom is a gorgeous and sweet young lady. We believe her to only be around a year old. She was already pregnant again on arrival. After being with us only a few weeks, Blossom has given birth to another litter of kittens. Being able to act quickly in these situations helps break the breeding cycle for cats living on the street. Your support makes a real difference and enables us to help cats like Blossom.