Barn owl comes to stay

birds - barn owl florence

We’ve had a barn owl brought in because her owner moved suddenly and had to part with her.  It was difficult to find anyone to care for her.   This exquisitely beautiful bird is underweight and stressed, she hasn’t had the attention she needs.  You might be thinking ‘why not let her go’?   Unfortunately this isn’t an option.   Misty is a captive bred bird and not used to hunting and feeding herself.  Even if we trained her to hunt we wouldn’t be able to release her – it’s not allowed.  Wild born birds must be freed.  Captive bred birds have to stay in captivity.

We’ll do our best to give her a good life, we’re going to feed her up and get her fit again.  We’ll have to make her a big aviary so she is at home.   We hope that Misty will become accustomed to us and she’ll soon start to interact.  Owls are adaptable and like human companionship, they usually ‘talk’ to us and ‘click’ when they see us.  At the moment Misty is hissing!

(Donations for Misty’s aviary would be greatly appreciated – you can download a standing order form or we’ll send one out to you.  Please mark ‘Misty – Barn Owl’.  Cheques payable to Pet Samaritans please.  If you let us have your name and address we’ll send out a picture of her and regular updates.  Many thanks.)