Bantam Cockerels are Four Friends

birds - banti cocks 2 - 1These mini-sized bantam cockerels are best friends.  They have hatched and been brought up together so get on well.  Introduce a hen into the mix though and it would be a different story!

While they are a gang of four they will be fine though.   They were brought in last week because their owners could no longer keep them.  There were a few more but the fox had them.   We’ve been keeping them in their hut so they could acclimatise but we let them out for the first time today.  They’ve loved being able to stroll and peck and grub up worms – a natural life is what all poultry should have.

Bantams are the same species as ordinary hens but are half the size.  The white one is a Light Sussex, the other three are Rhode Island Reds.  They are a beautiful assortment, their colours and feathers are works of art.

What about when they start crowing at 5.0am?   This is the main problem with cockerels.  We don’t mind it and our sleep isn’t disturbed because we’re used to it.   It’s like having a railway line at the bottom of the garden, after a while you don’t hear the trains.

We don’t hear them crowing.   It’s a small ‘cock-a-doodle-do’ because they are tiny birds,  it isn’t so disruptive.  And, of course, they are in their shed so it shouldn’t be a nuisance noise.  The cocks crow at dawn to get us up and about and out of bed – it’s fine sound but we do appreciate that not everyone thinks so.

We’d like to find a good home for our four amigos – if you’d like to come and meet them (and are sure you have secure fencing and wouldn’t have complaints from neighbours) please get in touch.  01247 455777.  We’re open every day between 11 and 3.0pm.

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