Baby kids keeping warm

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Only a day old and already on their feet, although these baby goat kids are still a bit wobbly.   When their mom Buffy gave birth this week she had two kids fairly quickly and normally that would be it.   But Buffy hadn’t finished and within half an hour had another two kids.  It’s unusual for goats to have four kids and of course, it presents a problem – goats have only two teats so how would they all manage to suckle?

We had to split them up, two of the kids are staying with their mom, the other two, shown above, are being bottle fed.  They’re in the kitchen by the stove and keeping warm with a nice hay box to snuggle up in when they’re not having their milk.

Buffy has plenty of milk so far and we’re milking her to fill the baby bottles.  When they need bigger qualities we’ll buy powdered lamb milk to feed them on. They are all good sized kids and mother and babies are doing well.

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