Appeal for our Golden Oldies

dogs - cristo better 2When a dog is left all alone we step in to help. Cristo, above, was abandoned.  He is an elderly dog who was a wreck when he first came in.   He’s in his teens, we don’t know exactly how old and whilst he’s in frail health, with a heart murmur and not many teeth, he is still spritely and enjoys life to the full. Cristo is a great character and as a permanent resident, he’s joined many of the other dogs in our ‘Golden Oldie’ club.

Jack Spratt and Miss Nolene, two of our oldest Jack Russells are still going strong.  They are both disabled and have been with us for fifteen years.  Jack is as friendly as Nolene is feisty!

Lillie and Frankie are recent additions, these senior lady Lhasos are aged around 14 and have responded well to their sardine suppers, warm comfy beds and lots of t.l.c.

For us, old age isn’t a reason to give up and we never put any healthy pet to sleep.  A good quality of life is paramount though.  Inevitably there is a higher cost in looking after an older pet – special food, heating and vet bills loom large.

We’re launching an appeal for sponsors for our Golden Oldies.  A donation, no matter how small, would be a tremendous help.  Tell us the name of the  dog you’d like to help and we’ll send you a photo, their story and a keepsake card to keep with you.   A monthly standing order is a great help and there’s form on the website you can download, fill in and take to your bank. A regular monthly contribution will make all the difference – we’ll keep you up to date with your chosen one.

We have many more dogs and we’ll be adding more Pet Sams Personalities to our Golden Oldie list –   elderly ponies and lots of 18 plus cats also.

Please contact us if you’d like us  to send a standing order form out to you -donations are payable to Pet Samaritans.kCr
dogs - cristo in fleece


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Jack Spratt

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Miss Nolene

dogs - lillie & frankie - 1Lillie & Frankie