A ginger kitten girl

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Most ginger cats are male but this kitten who was born five weeks ago is definitely a little girl.   We’ve had fewer kittens this year, the litters have been smaller, only two of them in this family.  Most cats are spayed and never get the chance to experience motherhood.  It’s all about balance – too many kittens and there aren’t enough homes – at present we are getting more enquiries for kittens than we have babies available.

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The tabby kit is also a female, a bit smaller than her sister.   Cats used to have litters of between four and six kittens, most of the cats brought in and who’ve had their kittens here, have had only two.   We have only one cat with four kittens this year.   Most people don’t want their pets to have kittens and it seems that our cats are obliging.