What sort of baby bird is this?

birds - pigeon baby

Yes, some of you may have guessed that this is a baby pigeon.   At least we think that’s what he is!  He was brought in a couple of days ago as he had fallen out of a very tall tree and there was no way to get him back to his nest.

birds - pigeon baby 2

He is a big chick and much more robust than the frail fledglings we are used to rearing.  Although we are still having to coax him to open his beak he quickly gulps his food down once it is in his beak and he is very demanding when he’s hungry.   He doesn’t make a sound but flaps his wings and jumps up and down when he knows it’s feed time.

He’s a prehistoric looking little thing and nothing like the sleek and beautiful pigeon he’ll grow into if all goes well.

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