Big Tom the Macho Man

cats - dominoNo mistaking this big fella for a tom cat!   Domino came in as a thin and hungry stray and was covered in scars and battle wounds.   Although he looks like a ‘big bruiser’ he is really a sweetie and is polite and inoffensive.  As soon as we fed him up we had him neutered, which is always a bit sad, his wild tom-catting days are over.   Impossible to keep him here or re-home him without having it done though.   Domino soon recovered and is settling in well, he is gentle and good natured although he still looks a bit of a scruff! He’ll become sleek and dapper as time goes on – this is an appreciative cat who has so far had a hard life, if you’d like to re-home him to a settled life in the lap of luxury please get in touch.

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